So that the unemployed people of rural areas of all the states of India can be provided with 100 days of employment guarantee in 1 year. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guarantee Act (MNREGA) has been started by the central government in 2005. How much money did you get? You just have to read this article carefully till the end. Welcome to our website, today we are going to tell you how you can easily check here MGNREGA Payment Details 2022-2023 through your mobile or laptop, and with this, you will also be able to easily check how many days of working in NREGA. NREGA Payment Details 2022-2023 State Wise (UP/West Bengal/TS//Rajasthan/CG/Odisha/Bihar/Jharkhand/MP/tripura/telangana/Karnataka/uttar pradesh/ |mgnrega payment details 2022-2023 | ap gov in payment status | nrega nic in 2022-23 & payment | ts mgnrega payment details 2023

Apart from Hindi, the languages of Bundeli, Bagheli, Nimari, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, and Malwi are the commonly spoken regional dialects. Hindi is the official language of Madhya Pradesh and it is the widely spoken. The scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes constitute a significant portion of the population of the State and constituting 15.54% and 21.04% of the total population respectively.

Total population of Madhya Pradesh as per 2011 census is 7.27 crore, of which male and female are 3.76 crore and 3.51 crore respectively. The state is bound on the north by Uttar Pradesh, the east by Chhattisgarh, the south by Maharashtra and the west by Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Madhya Pradesh with an area of 3,08,245 sq.km.